Monday, August 30, 2010

Labour Day Classic or Massacre

If you are reading this blog you were directed here from the Community Corner Blog on the argonauts site. I spoke about the truly nice things that we shared with those rivals down the QEW. just less than a week from now is the most exciting time in the CFL season. Labour Day. For most kids, summer was coming to an end and Labour Day was sad because it was the last day of summer, last day of the CNE and the day when the Jerry Lewis Telethon covered TV and it was time to get back to a regular sleep schedule heading back to school. For me it was quite different, I was excited because it wa the midpoint of the season but more importantly as a youngster and ball boy it was my road trip to Ivor Wynne Stadium. Yes it was only an hour or so down the QEW but to me it was a chance to experience an away game. Probably in a place where the Double Blue were hated the most. At the age of 15 I was lucky to experience the way the Tiger Cat fans expressed their true feelings about us in two words,"ARGOS SUCK".

The beginning of the day was highlighted by our entrance into the visitors dressing room to unpack. Things have changed but we were lucky enough to have a few oscillating fans keeping us cool in a hot and humid room. We put the Defence in a room in the far back while the Offence was lucky enough to be close to the equipment staff. After all the O-line saw that as an advantage beacsue they used to drink coffee by the pot before a game. As soon as we were set up it was lunch time. We would have to trek down Balsam Ave to the local McDonalds where we actually were given dirty looks. Sheesh talk about customer service, oh yeah we had our team golf shirt on. I was still proud and wouldnt take it off for no one. As soon as we finished our lunch and had time to toss the ball for a little until the offensive lineman arrived early. The gametime was set for 7:30 onmost Labour Days. As soon as the team bus would arrive from the CNE stadium, it would become quite the intense battle. I would be so pumped up. It was 1987 and going into the game we had a bit of a slump and needed a turning point in a hurry. The action was a little lopsided in the first half and the "Argos Suck" echoed the stadium. Including a few items thrown down at us. Fast forward to the last play on the game. Gilbert Renfroe heroically scored a TD with no time on the clock to win the game and begin our quest. We managed to use that as a catapult into a few more wins eventually making an unexpected appearance at the Grey Cup. Both teams went into that Labour Day game somewhat evenly matched but one team came out on top as the hero. Labour day games were filled with intensity on and off the field. Regardless, thats only one of my fondest memories at Ivor Wynne. There are many more but the other day I had thought about the notion that the Ticats may leave the city of Hamilton. This for me was disturbing as I'm sure it is for the many fans that share memories of the labour day match up in Hamilton. It wont be the same anywhere else. I hope to see more memories formed in Hamilton.

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