Thursday, November 11, 2010

PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!! Remembering the last East Final against the Tabbies

The year was 1986 I had began working for the Toronto Argonauts a year earlier and coming off a 3-15 I was only able to imagine what it must be like to be apart of a Grey Cup bound team. We were in the Eastern Finals in what was going to be a two game total point series between us and the Hamilton Tiger Cats. Game one would take place in Hamilton because we finished the season ahead of them with a 10 and 8 record to their 9-8 and 1 record.

Going into Ivor Wynne was not fun at all because previously that year on October 26 we lost 20-10. However, it was different now. We had first year Argo Willie Pless, Darrell K. Smith and veterans like Carl Brazely, Chris Schultz, Condredge Holloway, J.C. Watts, Rodney Harding and Kelvin Pruenster. I know I missed a heck of alot more but to save space we'll leave it at that.

Amidst the chants,"Argos Suck, Argos Suck", I could hear our player introductions and as our offence took the field I knew it was gonna be a good one. Then a mannequin dressed as an Argo player with a helmet and blue jersey drops in the endzone directly above our locker room. Followed by a sign that fans place above saying"Losers".

Then the large cheer indicating that the Tiger Cats were on their way out. "Grover Covington". I cringed. Here we go I thought. At least we'll have a home game for redemption but to my surprise we were victorious 20-10.

A week later on November 23, 1986 in front of an exhibition stadium crowd over 32,000, Mike Kerrigan led the Tiger Cats to a 42-25 victory over my beloved Argos. In shock we looked at the scoreboard realizing that we lost the two game total point series 59-56. Hamilton would go on to win the Grey Cup that year against the Edmonton Eskimos.

Its different this time, no chance for redemption until July of 2011. The loser packs up their lockers while the victor boards a Via train for Montreal.

That day in the Argo locker room I had two first time experiences, my first playoff loss and the first time seeing a football player in tears. As I cleaned the locker room I realized that my sadness that day was responsible because of those dreaded Tabbies and I knew that I wasn't the only one that felt that way.

Here's to hoping that the 2010 Toronto Argonauts understand the passion that goes behind Sunday's match up. The history the number of times we have suffered to the chants"Argos Suck" and the sacrifice the many have made to lose on labour day so that this year, on November 14, 2010 at Ivor Wynne stadium likely in front of a sell out, we, the double blue and the boatmen will be victorious and complete the second of a four game winning streak to add another page into the memories of Argo fans and staff like myself.


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