Friday, July 8, 2011

Us against the World...even our own city!

I write this blog a little disappointed in the city of Toronto. After a few people read too deep into an ad that they interpreted to mean something that is the furthest from the truth. I say this because when a politician believed the Argonauts were sending a message of domestic violence in an ad that in its context referred to the sport of football.
Yes people are definitely entitled to their opinions. That is the beauty of freedom, however the opinions should come educated rather than judged prior to research. As a person who is very proud to ensure that youth never have to go through the bullying I endured, I know for a fact that the ad we placed was meant to demonstrate the grit this team has to defend their home field. But the home field we protect has resistance within our city. All the ad critics had to do was look into the lives we have saved while sending the bullying prevention message through our 10 year Huddle Up Bullying Prevention Program. Instead, they tried to make it appear that we condone violence towards others, off the field, in particular, in the home. The ad was removed nonetheless but I still feel very disappointed at the principal. The removal of the ad was the right thing to do to show that we respect what people think. However, I wonder if any of the people that complained know how many years we have been in the schools helping and mentoring youth. Or that the players participating in the program are required to conduct a police Vulnerable Sector Report as per our own program requirements and this is not requested by the schools we attend. These people are probably people that haven't even seen an Argonauts game and have little idea that we do over 500 community appearances annually.
To those that understood or know what we have done to help youth, I thank you. To those that complained, there might be bigger fish to fry in this city such as a football league that has just arrived exploiting women in lingerie playing the sport of football. Why can't they just play football? Why do they need to be in underwear to have it accepted, but then again I guess our ad is more controversial.
I hope anyone who reads this blog will understand my frustration and realize that all I'm trying to say is that maybe if some of the good things we have done received a little more attention in this city I wouldn't feel so disheartened when something like this happens.
Thanks for reading.

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