As of November 4th, the 2011 edition of the Toronto Argonauts comes to a close. I remember past seasons, being a part of the locker room when the season ended too soon. When you are eliminated from a playoff game, all you can think about are the "what ifs" "should haves" "could haves". It wasn't too long ago, this past May, when I spoke with a bunch of our current players and could feel the optimism going into this season. I feel their disappointment now and can understand it from my past. For me the early endings I experienced on the sidelines came in 1985, 1989, 1992 and 1995. Of those, the most memorable for me was the 1992 season when we were eliminated from contention of the playoffs and a bunch of us, including our owner at the time, John Candy, talked about the disappointment and the bright future that potentially lay ahead of us. It was a memorable evening having a few chuckles despite the outcome. That would be the last time many of us would get a chance to laugh with John Candy, as he passed away in 1993.
Ever since my transfer to the community relations department, the early season end comes with mixed emotions, as I now plan for the next important season, which takes place in the schools: my work to help prevent bullying. The questions always exists, "who will be back next season?" "what free agents will remain with the Double Blue" or specifically for me "who will stay in Toronto this off season and be a part of the Huddle Up Program?"
I hope to keep you all intrigued with the various stories that both myself and the Argonauts players will experience this off season. But one thing I can guarantee is that the issue of bullying seems to escalate every day and we have a big hill to climb in order to make a difference. Rest assured, I am one person who is doing everything I can to make sure kids in my community don't have to experience what I went through during my time in high school. And believe it or not, one person can make a difference. But there is power in numbers and we need all the help we can get.
I remember two of those seasons. So where's this book you've been talking about almost as long as I've known you? Have you started writing it yet?